Discomfort and pain  is the most common cause of behavioural issues or poor performance in horses and is the first thing to consider.  The next is how often do you notice that your horse is sore in the same areas?  Identifying the source, or root cause is often the most difficult part.  The body is like  layers of onion where compensatory patterns have been overlaid again and again in an attempt to avoid the root cause or causes of pain.  We are often just bandaiding these overlaying symptoms because they are "yelling" at us.  The "yelling" part is often not the root cause but is the overloaded or overworked part.  I often get asked ... how do these things happen ?  My answer ... Your horse started as an embryo in utero where genetics or positioning created flaws.  The foal was then born, maybe sustaining an injury in the birthing process.  After that the foal is subject to all sorts of internal and external factors.  Paddock play, environment, nutrition, training, farrier, tack.....the list is quite long and any or all of these things can affect the horse.  All of these issues affect movement patterns.   Although it might seem daunting the first port of call is an assessment, what is my horse telling me at this point in time.   What do I look at ? what the body is saying, is there anything yelling.  How does what the body says affect the movement for the horse on it's own and also with a rider onboard.  Static posture versus dynamic movement.  The horse can have wonderful conformation but very dysfunctional movement which will still create pathology in the body.  The horse can also have not great conformation but move in a more functional manner. How can I help ?  with education.  Helping you recognise dysfunctional movement in both the horse and yourself then apply sound principles.  Do you have to know about dressage ? no as functional movement can be addressed with no prior knowledge.  Often I have to tell you to throw the majority of trending exercise theories out the window.   When soreness or lameness becomes an ongoing issue it is essential to look beyond the obvious symptoms to uncover the underlying cause of the issue. Although I am a qualified body worker (Equine Sports Massage Therapist, Photonic Therapy, Tucker Biokinetics, Bowen Therapy, Myofascial Release, Tissue Mobilisation,  Low Level Laser and Craniosacral Techniques) and can help relieve symptoms at a static level, my passion lies in teaching or coaching.  I have been a student with Science of Motion since early 2013 and prefer to work with clients through Functional Movement.   The way forward is identifying overloaded body parts the horse to change preferred movement patterns.  Yes I will utilise my light therapy or other static methods to enable the horse to not stay in protection mode whilst working with movement therapy.   Over the years I have gained other accreditations such as coaching qualifications with PCAWA, Rider Biomechanics, Saddlefitting with the late Dr Kerry Ridgway, Cert IV in Training & Assessing, Cert IV & II in Agriculture, horsemanship training.  Reiki, Quantum Healing, Energy Orientated Acupuncture on the Energy side.   Combine all of these courses and knowledge I am confident that I can help mentor and coach you through the layers with Equine Movement Therapy & Riding for Soundness,  to find and create a more self balanced, stronger, sounder horse.  The bonus is you also become more balanced and stronger.

Age Groups

0 - 4 Years:
5 - 12 Years:
13 - 17 Years:
18 - 64 Years:
65+ Years:


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